Wednesday, June 9, 2010


2 weeks ago, my mum was admitted and she "tender her resignation with immediate effect" on care giving job for Charmaine. Last week my schedule is like roller coaster, check on mum, sourcing alternatives, sending her to different places like kicking a ball here & there and coaxing her to give student care a try.

Special thanks to Godma Yvonne who took care of Charmaine on the first day and waking up early to receive her before we head out to work. Of course, Godma took the opportunity to sound Charmaine out on student care etc, spy at bit here and there and even bought her a favourite book - Whimpy Kid.

Thinking that learning bliss is the best option due to proximity to school but OMG, the set up is a bit run down and old fashioned that I couldn't convince myself to convince her. It does not help when Charmaine knows her classmate sitting besides her is pulling out on Tuesday when we checked out the place and she completely won't compromise on going there.

Wed- Thur, Esther lent a helping hand though she has 2 young kids to look after. Charmaine enjoyed the 2 days and even "asked renee to ask Esther if she is coming back on Friday". Esther constantly updated me with pics via iphone and gave Charmaine a surprise lunch with me at Bugis on Thur. Really really appreciate your help.

Big Thank you once again to Yvonne and Esther, my Tiger Buddies.

Lisa, my boss was a great support to allow me flexibility to pick her up during lunch to join Yuquan with Aden if that was the only place Charmaine is comfortable with. Elaine, my neighbour in office lent her listening ear to hear my sigh. There is always Auntie Cheng who has great confidence in Charmaine's adaptability.

Google was my best friend and I found The Kidz Club@ Lor Kilat. Checked it out and could sense that Charmaine likes the place and was willing to give it a trial.

First day at the student care on 7 Jun, Daddy picked up a Happy girl at 5 pm and she already made 3 new friends and looking forward to going back the second day.

Finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Finalized the student care, arranged the school bus transfer. Need to change my working hours to pick her up before 7 pm daily. Hmm I might even be able to prepare home cooked dinner daily.

Nothing can be achieved without the great help and support from people all around me. Felt so blessed.

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